Stop your hair loss and activate regrowth

lutter contre la chute des cheveux avec les produits de soins du laboratoire Géomer

What are the different causes of your hair loss?

  • Are you losing more hair than before? (We lose on average between 75 and 100 hairs per day). Read our article on how to recognize abnormal hair loss here>
  • Is your hair less dense? It is refined?
  • Hair loss is mainly due to premature graying of the scalp or an imbalance of the scalp. Premature aging can be influenced by many factors.
  • Is it a transient hair loss linked to high stress, following childbirth, a drug interaction or a change of season?
  • Does hair loss set in over time?
  • Does your hair loss have a link with external aggressions such as coloring, repeated brushings, curling or also straightening which makes them fragile and brittle?
  • Other factors can also come into play, such as diet or an oily scalp.

First, you need to determine the real origin of your hair loss:

This in order to be able to provide you with a solution tailored and personalized according to the needs of your scalp.

Prevent hair loss

  • How to avoid baldness?
  • There is no quick fix, but a method of care to create the necessary conditions to stabilize hair loss and promote hair regrowth.
  • We kill two birds with one stone! By reactivating the microcirculation, we stimulate, at the same time, hair growth. See the explanatory video here>

What are the different solutions offered by Laboratoire Géomer ?

Hair loss in women:

Hair loss in men:

Other hair loss:

To find out the nature of your hair loss and benefit from the tailor-made adaptation of your products free of charge, do your hair assessment:

Faites votre bilan capillaire ! C'est simple, rapide et gratuit. Votre diagnostic personnalisé est réalisé par un expert qui répond également à toutes vos questions. Parce que chacun de nous est unique, nous avons besoin de produits adaptés à nos besoins personnels : du sur-mesure cosmétique.

garantie géomer

All our products are GUARANTEED 3 MONTHS

The warranty is renewed on anti-hair loss and hair regrowth products during a 2nd purchase = 6 MONTHS GUARANTEED

Valid on standard volumes (intended for 3 months of use): Read the conditions HERE

You have a question ?

Meeting on : Frequently asked Questions


Or call us on +33185089191 or +3223181065