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Fight against cellulite

lutter contre la peau d'orage laboratoire géomer

What is cellulite?


  • To fight effectively against cellulite, also called "orange peel", you must first understand what cellulite is and how it appears.
  • Cellulite is a build-up of fat and changes in fatty tissue in parts of the body.
  • If women are more affected by this phenomenon due in particular to their hormonal and especially circulatory system (linked to the 5th element of Chinese medicine - water element), men can also be concerned. The favorite places for cellulite are the thighs, buttocks, arms and sometimes the stomach. In addition, in order to better understand this phenomenon, it should be understood that cellulite is not necessarily linked to a problem of overweight (even if the latter generally promotes the appearance of orange peel). Very slender people can have it even if they are very athletic. Read our article on this subject - the 6 actions to effectively fight cellulite here>

soin contre la peau d'orange du laboratoire géomer

  • Cellulite comes from a saturation of the storage capacities of cells.
  • If the number of fat cells (adipocytes) increases, the compartments in which they are found begin to swell. The skin then takes on a padded appearance.
  • Cellulite is, you will understand, an inflammatory reaction in the hypodermis. And it is precisely this inflammation that must be treated.
  • It is well understood that, under these conditions, it is not easy to get rid of this cellulite.

To help you fight cellulite, Laboratoire Géomer has created

the Slimming Cryo Gel

gel cryominceur du laboratoire géomer garantie géomer

Avis client sur le gel cryo minceur géomer anti cellulite


It is composed of vegetable oils, essential oils, natural draining agents and natural anti-inflammatories.

  • It eliminates inflammation
  • It drains toxins perfectly
  • It breaks up fatty dimples
  • It burns fat by the action of cold
  • It helps in better fluidity of the circulatory system

All about this anti-cellulite gel HERE

The +: Before applying Cryo Minceur Gel, start by massaging the area to be treated with a few drops ofAmplitude n ° 5 until it heats up (the action is very fast). This anti-cellulite booster will increase the temperature difference and amplify the action of Cryo Slimming Gel.

amplitude 5 du laboratoire géomer


Start your cellulite attack plan and reach your goal!

Ready to get started and get your swimsuit out in 21 days?

bye bye cellulite

Discover your skin type and benefit from the adaptation free of charge tailored of your products by completing our questionnaire "Esthetic assessment":


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Meeting on : Frequently asked Questions


Or call us on +33185089191 or +3223181065

"This information is in no way intended to be a substitute for a medical consultation. We recommend that you see your doctor for a full medical diagnosis of your symptoms."