Dry Couperose (Rosacea)

How to treat dry blotchy skin?

  • The solution to eliminate Couperose or Dry Rosacea is to bring internal mineralization to the skin.
  • Conventional moisturizers do not work on this type of rosacea.
  • You must first bring minerals before you want to hydrate properly.

Traitement couperose rosacée sèche géomer


! Be careful not to confuse it with a Couperose (Rosacea) Hot.

Skin prone to dry rosacea (rosacea) is:

  • Red, irritated
  • Cold
  • Shining

It is the opposite of classic rosacea. In this case, the rosy appearance is due to significant demineralization of the skin. This demineralization irritates the skin and gives it that red appearance.


  • The skin is dry or even very dry.
  • Classic moisturizers have no moisturizing effect because they do not penetrate.
  • For this type of rosacea, some specialists recommend a laser treatment which aims to eliminate this skin redness. The concern with this type of treatment is that rosacea will return even more intense in the months following the operation.

The specific basic treatment for Dry Couperose:

Recommended when the skin has a slight Couperose (Rosacea) dry for a short time.

  • This basic treatment consists of providing the skin of the face with the minerals it needs.
  • For this, the ideal is to use the mask with draining and mineralizing clay. Terral White.
  • From the first application, a clear softening is felt thanks to the hydration.
  • The hydration will become more and more important after 2 to 3 weeks and the dry rosacea effect will fade over the course of the various treatments.


  • 1st week: 1 application per day
  • 2nd week: 1 application every other day
  • 3rd week: 2 applications per week
  • 4th week: 1 application per week
  • Then, maintain: Application if the need arises

masque terral blanc de Géomer garantie géomer

Avis client sur le Terral Blanc Géomer pour peau couperosée rosacée

Facial treatment for dry blotchy skin like in a beauty salon

Dry blotchy skin is skin in imbalance of the skin related to the fourth element of the law of the 5 elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Metal Element

Elément Métal

This complete treatment is designed to provide the necessary minerals to your skin, in depth and in a sustainable way over time.

We detail here the complete care that beauticians perform in the cabin:

  1. Start by washing your face with a gentle face wash.
  2. Finish the cleaning with Essential Lotion to start toning the skin.
  3. Perform a facial scrub with the Plant scrub to be tailor-made according to your skin type. To be applied in successive strokes for total coverage of the face. Leave on for 2 minutes then perform the exfoliation maneuvers by rotations until the desquamation is eliminated.
  4. Rinse and then perform a manual drainage of the face starting from the neck and décolleté withPhyto Douce Emulsion, non-greasy moisturizing emulsion to which you add 5 to 7 drops ofAmplitude 4 to stabilize red skin, too vascularized.
  5. Once the emulsion has penetrated the skin, apply the Terral White all over the face. This one comes to drain, decongest and refresh. Make a mask one millimeter thick.
  6. 5 to 10 minute break time. Do not allow Terral to dry out. If necessary, recharge during the pause time.
  7. Clean with water.
  8. Wipe and dry your face.
  9. Then apply Regenorsil to help with cell regeneration.
  10. For hydration, finish the treatment by applying thePhyto Douce Emulsion or the Ultra L Cream specific anti-aging, dry skin and mature skin. Each cream is to be chosen in a customized format.

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The + of the Phyto Douce Emulsion: Use there to calm shaved areas. After waxing the legs but also the eyebrows and upper lip.


To know your skin type and benefit from the adaptation free of charge tailored of your products, complete our Skin Diagnosis questionnaire:


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"This information is in no way intended to be a substitute for a medical consultation. We recommend that you see your doctor for a full medical diagnosis of your symptoms."