Plant Extracts and Fruit Extracts

Les extraits de plantes utilisés dans les produits Géomer Les extraits de fruits utilisés dans les produits Géomer

What extracts are used in our products?

  • Sabal serrulata : Very well known in Naturopathy for treating prostate problems by acting on the adrenals.

  • Apple Amidroxy (AHA acid) : Fruit acids ideal for closing the scales of the hair during coloring and perms.

  • Organic Lavender Floral Water : Antibacterial, purifying, soothing action.

  • Apricot Kernel : Natural amphiphilic properties (allows the mixture of water and oil).

  • Ivy extract : Rich in minerals and trace elements. Anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Burdock extract : Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant. Has trace elements.

  • Nettle extract : Anti-inflammatory. Has trace elements.

  • Horsetail extract : Rich in minerals, silica and trace elements.

  • Birch extract : Eliminates toxins. Has trace elements.

  • Linden extract : Rich in trace elements.

  • Gingko Biloba extract : Anti-aging properties. Rich in trace elements.

  • Aloe Vera extract : Soothing, regenerating, antioxidant.

  • Centella Asiatica extract : Healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial

  • Extract from Ulmaire (Meadowsweet) : Tonic and astringent properties.

  • Wheat protein (wheat germ): Softens skin and hair.

  • Macerate Oily of Sabal Serrulata : Toning properties. Protects against ailments in urology. Very well known in Naturopathy for treating prostate problems by acting on the adrenals.

We evoke here the main properties for which we use these vegetable and fruit extracts. To know everything about an extract, do not hesitate to inquire about specialized sites.

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