Treatment Eczema Scalp, Itching, Scabs, Psoriasis, pruritus, keratosis.

A natural solution to fight against these scalp diseases with guaranteed results!

  • Thanks to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the causes are known.
  • By knowing the precise causes of a skin imbalance, it is easier to find solutions.
  • The Laboratoire Géomer has been able to develop a treatment program based on natural ingredients that allows effectively scalp infections such as psoriasis, scalp eczema, scabs on the scalp, keratosis or seborrheic dermatitis.
  • This unique treatment program with guaranteed effectiveness allows, after just a few applications, to regain a healthy and light scalp. All this without cortisone or other corticosteroids!
  • In case of cradle cap: see the appropriate treatment here

The basic treatment for these irritations and scabs on the scalp:

To do once or twice a week, as needed:

The clogged areas will decrease more and more with each application.

  • Apply a little Dermo Purifying Peeling Gel on the affected areas to cleanse the skin.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Be careful, in the presence of scabs on these areas to be treated, it is recommended to do the complete care, below, as in a specialized center.
  • After the dwell time, rinse well with lukewarm water.
  • If necessary, wash the hair with the Propolis shampoo (natural antibiotic) to cleanse and heal the scalp.
  • In case of severe itching only, then apply a littleOligo F4. This calms the affected areas immediately upon application.
  • In order to reinforce the action of these products, it is recommended to make a one month cure of Organic Silicon (very effective food supplement to cleanse the skin see scientific articles)

Find the full treatment further down this page.

Gel Peeling dermo purifiant assainit l'eczéma et le psoriasis Shampoing Propolis

All about the Dermo Purifying Peeling Gel HERE> All you need to know about Propolis Shampoo HERE>

The most important is the opinion of the users:

The testimony of Véronique Lutje Spelberg: > I am finally free from my psoriasis

Véronique Baux's testimony: Very effective in eliminating psoriasis and eczema

All the testimonials on treatments to fight against psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and others are HERE>

These plaques or scabs: what are they exactly?

Description of symptoms

First of all, in this type of skin imbalance, we notice that dandruff is localized in dandruff clumps.
These clumps of dandruff form sticky scabs on the scalp conducive to itchy scalp and hair loss.

dermite sur le cuir chevelupsoriasis dans la nuque

Causes of scalp scabs and irritation

  • These rashes, whether in the form of scabs, red patches, or thick, sticky dandruff, all have the same origin: They are toxins that come out through certain areas of the skin.
  • The classic dandruff are toxins which also come out but all over the scalp.
  • Here, the toxins all come out in the same place and form scabs on the head, pimples or other ...
  • One can "assimilate" this type of affection of the scalp to very important and very localized dandruff.

Explanations according to Traditional Chinese Medicine


Chinese acronym meaning the element EARTH

  • According to the basics of traditional Chinese medicine, these rashes are due to an energy imbalance in theElement # 3.
  • Element n ° 3, the EARTH, is linked to the spleen, stomach and pancreas whose role is to assimilate and eliminate.
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that the presence on the skin of scabs such as eczema, psoriasis, and others are related to an imbalance either of the stomach, or of the pancreas, or of the spleen or a combination of these 3 organs. Normally, toxins in the body are eliminated through the lymph and then through natural channels. But, when there are excess toxins, it is the role of the skin to eliminate them in the form of dandruff, scabs on the skull, psoriasis, eczema and other pruritus.

These imbalances have several possible origins

Why do eczema patches or scabs appear on the scalp?

  • First origin : The changes of seasons have a huge influence on the functioning of our main organs. At each change of season, for a period of about 8 days, the EARTH element of Traditional Chinese Medicine is much more energetic. This means that the Stomach, Spleen and Pancreas start to function a little more during the change of seasons. Our body therefore eliminates more toxins than normal.
  • Second origin : It is possible that one of these 3 organs (spleen, stomach or pancreas) is weak or presents a malfunction also at a time other than between two seasons. This will lead to a greater elimination of toxins from the tissues. And, in case of excess, they will have to come out through the skin.
  • Third origin : With modern drinks, we no longer drink enough spring water. Soda, coffee, tea and other commercial drinks cannot hydrate our body. This type of drink goes directly to the kidneys and then to the toilet. Our body must drink clear water and in small quantities throughout the day so that the water can be assimilated by the intestines and then, via the blood, go to hydrate and clean the tissues of their toxins (waste). See a detailed article on the subject by clicking here>
  • Fourth origin : The psychosomatic! Traditional Chinese Medicine has noticed that our state of mind is closely connected with all parts of our body. This means that a stomach problem will influence the way our brain will assimilate (digest) the information we receive. And, this is possible in both directions. If we have information that is not going well because we do not want to accept it, then it is very likely that we will have digestive issues. Therefore, people prone to these scabs in the hair, psoriasis, eczema on the scalp, dermatitis etc ... are people who find it difficult to assimilate certain events in their life or worse who rehash them over and over and cannot get rid of them. It is then the body, via the skin, which tells us what is wrong so that we change our way of living, thinking or eating.

It is also necessary to take into account that the change of seasons influence this production of toxins

  • People who usually have dandruff. Or who have psoriasis, eczema or even a dermatitis on the scalp notice that the intensity of these desquamations can be more intense in certain seasons. In fact, it is when the seasons change that our body needs to eliminate toxins more than usual. And this leads to an increase in dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and scalp crusts.
  • To fully understand how this natural phenomenon takes place, we must look at the explanation offered to us by Traditional Chinese Medicine. The offseason and its influence on our body, our skin and our scalp.
  • There are 4 of these off-seasons and it is very important to understand them well to heal and purify your skin.
  • The off-season between Winter and Spring
  • The offseason between Spring and Summer
  • The off-season between Summer and Autumn
  • The off-season between Autumn and Winter

Solutions developed by Géomer to cleanse the scalp

  • Thanks to these lessons, Laboratoire Géomer has developed specific products and treatments.
  • These have been proven for many years in hair and beauty centers using our products by providing unparalleled skin comfort because we help the body to solve these concerns from their origins.

amas de croutes eczéma psoriasi du cuir chevelu croûtes d'eczéma et de psoriasis du cuir chevelu

Our first tip:

  • The first thing to do, when you have this type of dandruff, is drink water ! Yes, let's start by helping our body eliminate these toxins!
  • To do this well, you must choose water with low mineral content whose dry residue is less than 50 mg / l because water that is too loaded with minerals will not allow you to easily clean your body.
  • Then drink 1.5 liters of water per day but in small sips (as tennis players do) because if you drink large amounts of water at once, this water will go directly into the kidneys without irrigating all the tissues in your body.
  • We have published a detailed article on the subject in our blog: Read the article here>

Then, we recommend to apply: The complete treatment as in a specialized hair center.

The Special Care Program: Psoriasis, Eczema, Scabs, Dermatitis, Keratosis

We recommend that you do this treatment once or twice a week until the imbalance has completely disappeared. It usually takes 2-3 weeks.

application de gel peeling application et massage au gel peeling

  1. It is necessary to begin by dissolving the crusts present on the scalp withPlural oil .
  2. Put a little Plural Oil on the tip of a finger.
  3. Use your fingertip to rub the scabs to soak them inPlural oil. By rubbing them in this way, they will dissolve very slowly under the action of the finger.
  4. Repeat like this by advancing in small areas of a few cm². The rotating movement of the finger soaked in Plurielle oil will allow the sticky crusts to peel off and dissolve in the oil. If you get it all over your scalp, it can take almost an hour to dissolve, peel, and remove everything.
  5. Above all, do not tear off the scabs by causing the skin to bleed. ThePlural oil allows to gently peel off dandruff or crusts on the skull
  6. If the scabs are as light as dandruff and come off easily with your fingertips, you may not use thePlural oil.
  7. Gently massage the dandruff or scabs with your fingertips until they disappear completely.
  8. Then apply the Dermo Purifying Peeling Gel on all areas of the scalp where these crusts (dandruff clumps) were attached to the skin. A layer of 1 to 2 millimeters thick is sufficient.
  9. Leave a pause and settle down in a quiet place. The sage resin and essential oils used will make you rehash many of the concerns that may be related to these skin concerns. Calmness will help you let go of all these thoughts.
  10. The break time is 20 minutes.
  11. Rinse well with clear, lukewarm water.
  12. Dry your hair with a terry towel to remove as much water as possible.
  13. On the entire dry scalp, apply 2 pressures of the Propolis shampoo. Specific cleansing shampoo for these conditions (body and hair)
  14. Massage well with your fingertips to distribute the shampoo over the entire scalp.
  15. Do not get wet.
  16. Leave on for 7 minutes so that the propolis acts.
  17. Then, wet and lather it like a traditional shampoo.
  18. Rinse. One shampoo is enough.
  19. After rinsing, dry your hair with a terry towel.
  20. In case of itching, finish the treatment by distributing the equivalent of a teaspoon ofOligo F4 all over the scalp to calm and soothe the skin.
  21. Do not rinse and style.

Click on the images for more explanation of each product

gel peeling dermo purifiant huile plurielle shampoing propolis spécial psoriasis oligo F4 spécial psoriasis


  • From the first application, the “shackle effect” often felt on the scalp by people with this type of dandruff will immediately disappear, leaving a feeling of lightness and freshness.
  • This treatment is to be done once a week until complete disappearance of the imbalance. (2 to 3 weeks maximum).
  • Then, we recommend that you maintain your scalp and your hair with products adapted to your needs so that this imbalance does not return.


To know the nature of your scalp and benefit from the adaptation free of charge tailored of your products, fill out our "Hair balance" questionnaire:


garantie Géomer

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"This information is in no way intended to be a substitute for a medical consultation. We recommend that you see your doctor for a full medical diagnosis of your symptoms."