Do I often have to change products?

The use and adaptation of Géomer products

When should I change my products?

  • You advised me to use certain products like a Terral and a "tailor-made" shampoo.
  • Do I have to use them all the time, all year round? Or do I have to change them regularly?

Reply :

  • Géomer products are not camouflage cosmetics like most cosmetics on the market. These are real care products that act inside our body to rebalance all the imbalances visible on our skin. Because our skin is the external image of our internal health.
  • Therefore, when the imbalance has disappeared, it is no longer necessary to use the same products.
  • You can either use a Geomer maintenance product or a product that meets your skin's needs at that precise moment.
  • For example, I have heavy dandruff and have been prescribed to use Terral Jaune and “tailor-made” Propolis shampoo. After a few applications, the dandruff completely disappeared. So, it is no longer necessary to use these products, even as a preventive measure. If my dandruff is gone, it means my scalp has drained and is cleansed of all its toxins. It is therefore no longer necessary to use detoxifying products.
  • Just fill in the Hair Diagnostic Questionnaire where the Skin Diagnosis Questionnaire so that a Geomer advisor can tell me which products are right for me.

    diagnostic capillaire géomer

    diagnostic de peau géomer

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