What is the Difference Between Androgenetic Hair Loss and Hair Loss
Androgenetic or deficient hair loss?
How to recognize hair loss and which treatment to choose?
- We often talk about hereditary hair loss. But, there is no gene that indicates whether you are going to go bald or not.
- On the other hand, there is indeed a transmission of a multitude of genes linked to sex which can, under certain conditions, lead to hair loss. For example, the famous X chromosome which is passed on from the mother and which can lead to having high testosterone levels. This leads to a high production of the enzyme called 5-alpha reductase and therefore hair loss.
- In summary, there is no gene that says you will be bald for sure.
- It is therefore better to observe what is happening in the scalp and hair in order to be able to determine what is causing or has caused hair loss.
There are two very different types of hair loss:
Hormonal (androgenetic) drop
To recognize it, it's very simple:
- The scalp grows because there is a hormonal upheaval.
- An oily scalp, in this case, also means oily skin on the body and especially the face. Note the presence of acne.
- Above all, do not confuse fat and perspiration !!! The real excess of sebum occurs between 3 and 4 days after shampooing. Whereas if the hair greases quickly overnight, it is sweating quickly visible on thin hair. Read the article about it here >>
The people who are most prone to the so-called androgenetic or hormonal fall are:
- The young teenage men from about 17 years to +/- 30 years. Then, the fall will become deficient over time because the hormonal upheaval will subside.
- Young people teenage girls who take some contraceptive pills with strong hormonal power.
- People who take high enough hormone levels through, for example, hormonal IUDs or many hormonal implants.
- People who, following a medical prescription, must take replacement hormones such as, for example, those who have had thyroid surgery and who are in the process of seeking hormonal balance.
In summary, to be subject to a hormonal fall, there must be a hormonal upheaval at the time of the fall. So no, it will be another cause
To treat hormonal falls, we have developed specific treatments:
Deficiency drop
Here's how to recognize it:
- The scalp is dry!
- The hair becomes thinner and thinner.
- This is the most common type of hair loss because it is caused by premature aging of the scalp as a result of poor nutrition of the hair via their hair follicle (hair root).
The people who are most prone to this type of hair loss called deficiency are:
- All those who lose their hair and who are not subject to a hormonal upheaval.
- Men from 35 years old.
- Women of all ages who are losing their hair and are not taking hormone replacement therapy or contraception.
- People with tight, poorly irrigated, cold scalp, etc.
In summary, there is a deficiency loss when the roots of the hair are deficient and can no longer supply the hair properly. This type of fall is more and more frequent because modern food, even organic, is far from providing our body with the minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the human body.
The Laboratoire Géomer has developed specific treatments to fight against this hair loss called deficiency:
Need to know your type of fall and the type of treatment to remedy it?
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Take good care of yourself and your hair.