Listen to what your body is telling you!

le mal à dit

"Evil said" = disease

We often talk about diseases but in reality = evil said! There is a real link between illnesses and our emotions.

Our emotions and our illnesses are interrelated:

  • As I usually write, our skin is the outward image of our inner health. It allows us to read and know if everything is going well inside our body.
  • However, it's not just the skin that tells us what's wrong with our bodies. The whole body is a great mechanic, the centerpiece of which is the brain.
  • According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, our body is an instrument of spiritual evolution which has its own rules.
  • Western medicine does not understand these messages. And, to act on a disease or a pain, it often uses a repressive action.
  • Chinese medicine uses another approach. She decodes bodily messages.

colonne vertébrale

The stages of disease formation

Already in the 7th century, Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita evokes 6 stages of the development of a disease:

  1. The psychic: Starts at the subconscious level.
  2. Energetics: Disturbance of the meridian system.
  3. Neuroendocrine: The dysfunction appears at the level of the physical body.
  4. Endotoxic: Toxins develop in different parts of the body.
  5. Symptomatic: Clinical symptoms of the disease appear.
  6. Terminal: The destruction of the diseased organ.

Western medicine always intervenes when symptoms are visible in the body. These are the last cries of the body and it is often late to act. Western medicine tries to silence the body instead of rewarding it for reporting the problem.

What if we try to listen to our bodies?

There is a work written by Jacques Martel "The large dictionary of discomforts and diseases" which allows us to understand our internal states by observing the outside. This book sheds light on all the emotions we can suppress as a disease arises.

la douleur

Here are some examples related to the law of 5 elements :

  • Restrained anger causes liver attacks: element n ° 1, Wood. The liver represents choice, anger, change, and adaptation. We can suffer from liver damage when we cannot adapt to changes, professional or family. One can lose faith (= liver).
  • The first element Wood is also linked to the gall bladder, which is related to the exterior, the social, the obstacles ... To make bile, to worry, to be anxious.
  • Lelement n ° 3, Earth is the image of the nourishing mother of our body. It is the image of who I am, I the child who was born within my mother. Eczema and psoriasis represent my anxiety, my fears for the future, my difficulties in expressing myself. I have a bad image of myself. I very badly endure a separation that is very badly managed, or badly experienced. I need to feel perfect to be loved.
  • Theelements n ° 5, Water : Related to the kidneys and bladder. The deep fears of losing one's territory literally or figuratively will lead to blockages in the kidneys and bladder and prostate problems.

Our whole body is talking

  • Something we don't want to hear anymore: Repeated earache and earaches.
  • Something that we did not dare to say, that we swallowed: Angina, sore throat that cannot be cured.
  • Conflict with authority: Pain in both shoulders.
  • Pain in the right shoulder = You don't feel supported at all in certain situations.
  • Intransigence: Neck pain, stiff neck
  • We take too much on ourselves: Feeling of burden on the back and shoulders.
  • Inability to move forward: Pain in feet and ankles.
  • Afraid to move forward in life because we have become adults too quickly. We did not take the time to grow up and take care of the child that we were, by wanting to go too quickly in the adult world: Fibromyalgia.
  • The spine is a ground where all of our repressed emotions are located that stay within.colonne
  • Thyroid Gland: It is the distress that implodes as it demands to be released. Thyroid gland worries are often self-punishment because you blame yourself. We are unable to achieve what we want to do. We do not dare to exist, whereas deep down we would like to open up and live.thyroide

Let's learn to listen to our body

and to let the child who is in us flourish!

  • Instead of taking drugs directly to silence the disease, why not take a few moments to dialogue with our body? Nothing prevents, thereafter, to go to the doctor.
  • Try to clarify and let go of a situation that is disturbing you. Your pain is trying to signal you that something is disturbing the energetic harmony that is within you. And, this is to bring your attention to something in your life that needs to be changed.
  • Accept your illnesses as a message of love from your body that tells you what to change in your attitudes in order to find your happiness.
  • Once the emotions are recognized and accepted, put a note on them and accept your feelings. "Ok I understand what you want to say to me and I accept it. I change what should be."
  • The body can then stop sending you this "badly said" message.

Sources: Jacques Martel: "The large dictionary of ailments and diseases" published by Quintessence.

It is also to help you understand this that Géomer products were designed.

Alain Ledroit,
CEO Laboratoire Géomer
Reiki Master Usui

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