Terral Gray 250 ml

Terral Gray

Toning, anti-aging mask

Gray terral with marine silts and essential oils, heating, stimulating, toning.

  • Specific for dull, white, energy-free skin
  • Tones and regenerates skin prone to sagging
  • Fights light to deep wrinkles
  • Performs deep drainage of skin tissue
  • For face, body and scalp
  • Promotes hair regrowth in severe baldness

garantie Géomer ingrédients naturels exempt de perturbateurs endocriniens

  • 250 ml jar
  • 500 ml jar

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 (4,7/5)  - 19 rating(s) - 18 review(s)
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Terral Gray

Toning mask for dull skin and scalps, with gray clay, essential oils and algae

It provides energy to the skin tissues by making a slight blood call. Very effective in combating skin aging such as wrinkles and baldness.

Product benefits

This mask has a unique and revolutionary texture. It combines in its formula the benefits of marine silts (perfect drainers of cellular water), the effectiveness of essential oils and the mineralizing power of algae optimized by organic silicon. The results are immediate.

  • Powerful draining of skin water.
  • Toning and stimulating for skin and scalps without energy.
  • Refreshing then warming.
  • Active against skin aging, wrinkles.
  • Specific face, body and scalp.
  • An essential partner to achieve regrowth on significant baldness.
  • Not recommended for scalps that tend to sweat a lot.

The law of 5 elements

loi 5 éléments

Water Element - 5 - Winter: Kidneys - Bladder

This gray Terral is ideal for treating cosmetic imbalances linked to an energy imbalance of the kidneys and bladder. Element # 5 - Water

  • Fears, alopecia areata, stress
  • Sluggish skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Hormonal baldness
  • Soft and electric hair

For an energetic application, apply Terral gris to the areas of the kidney and bladder meridians (20 minutes). Its stimulating effects are immediately felt.

Its main components

  • Algae powder
  • Marine silts
  • Essential Oils of Thyme, Peppermint, Rosemary
  • Organic Silicon
  • Menthol

produits naturels


The primary purpose of this clay mask is to create lymphatic micro drainage from the skin where it is applied. The effect felt depends on the chosen pause time. More options are explained in the user manual to download.

  1. Apply with a brush or specific applicator. Terral Gray can be applied to uncleaned skin.
  2. Place a layer of +/- 1 millimeter thick on the skin.
  3. Face break time: 10 to 30 minutes according to the desired effect.
  4. Body break time: 30 minutes.
  5. Scalp break time: 10 to 30 minutes depending on the desired effect.
  6. Do not allow Terral to dry completely. If necessary, recharge the product during the pause time.
  7. Then rinse it off with lukewarm or cold water.
  8. Then cleanse your skin.


  • Pot 100 ml = 7 face applications
  • Pot 250 ml = 12 full scalp applications
  • Pot 500 ml = Economic format

INCI formula

Aqua (water), lithothanium calcareum, maris limus, carrageenan, dehydroacetic acid / benzyl alcohol, bentonite, thymus satureioides oil, menthol, rosmarius officinalis oil, mentha piperita oil, tocopherol, linalool, d-limonene.

Guaranteed paraben free, PEG free and not tested on animals.

garantis sans ogmgarantiesans perturbateurs endocriniens


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All the reviews on this page are ordered by date. You can read our review system rules here: Moderation of opinions
By (Chauny, France Métropolitaine) on  06 Dec 2022 (Terral Gray) :

Sensations très agréables

Pas assez de recul pour évaluer les bienfaits du produit sur la repousse des cheveux mais sensation très rafraichissante sur la tête. Je préférais au départ l'odeur du Terral rouge mais au final j'apprécie aussi celle du Terral gris. Un vrai plaisir à utiliser.

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By (SESSENHEIM, France Métropolitaine) on  10 Jun 2022 (Terral Gray) :



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By (SALLES D'AUDE, France Métropolitaine) on  07 Oct 2020 (Terral Gray) :

un masque rajeunissant , je confirme .

Depuis 2 mois j'utilise ce masque 1 fois par semaine sur le visage . Mes amis qui ne m'avaient pas vue depuis quelques semaines ( COVID oblige !) m'ont fait remarquer que j'avais rajeuni ! En effet je trouve que ma peau est plus ferme
et plus belle ( j'ai 74 ans , peu de rides , juste un petit relâchement du bas du visage ) . je l'étale sur le visage avec une spatule de cuisine , c'est facile et propre . Je pense bien à le vaporiser après 15 mn de pose
et je le garde 30mn en tout. J'enlève le plus gros avec la spatule pour éviter de boucher le lavabo !! Je n'ai pas essayé sur les cheveux car j'avoue que ça me parait un peu compliqué .

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