Our products Amplitude Oil N ° 2 geo/ha2/ (4/5) on 5 rating(s) 24.13€ Synergy of refreshing essential oils Amplitude n ° 2 is specific to the FIRE element, summer. Stabilizes too red, too vascularized skin Decreases skin temperature, hypothermic Regulates perspiration thanks to its powerful cooling effect Limits excess blood under the skin View
Our products Amplitude Oil N ° 3 geo/ha3/ (5/5) on 2 rating(s) 24.13€ Synergy of purifying essential oils Amplitude n ° 3 is specific to the EARTH element, to the change of season, at the end of summer. Purifies and cleanses the skin Eliminates pimples, pruritus, toxins, dandruff, scabs ... Specific for skin and scalps having difficulty eliminating their toxins View
En stock ! Our products Cryominceur gel geo/gel-cryo/ (4,6/5) on 16 rating(s) 65.00€ Deep draining cellulite gel. Eeliminates encrusted cellulite in 21 days Active against water retention Accelerates surface blood circulation for deep tissue drainage Eeliminates localized fatty deposits that overload the silhouette View