En stock ! Our products Hair balm geo/baum-cap/ (4,6/5) on 21 rating(s) 9.13€ Wheat Protein Protective Conditioner Allows a ultra easy disentangling of all hair types. Brings shine and volume. The perfect treatment for porous and dry hair Care feeding and sheathing. he repair the parched ends of damaged hair. Very concentrated, a teaspoon is enough per application. Current promotion: 2 + 1 free (100ml bottles) View
Our products Dermo Purifying Peeling Gel geo/gel-der-pur/ (4,5/5) on 31 rating(s) 35.83€ Deep purifying and sanitizing for the skin Sanitizing skin gel for skin affected by: Psoriasis. Eczema. Keratosis. Pityriasis. Important dandruff. Eliminate fungal infections. Cleanses skin loaded with toxins. From the first application, the "straitjacket" effect disappears. The skin breathes and leaves a feeling of lightness. Also suitable for... View
En stock ! Our products Restorative cream geo/cre-rep/ (4,5/5) on 28 rating(s) 9.13€ Special dry hands and dry feet Provides the necessary minerals to the skin for deep hydration. A cream rich in repairing agents such as wheat protein and sulfur Repairs cracks, even the deepest, in 3 days maximum Ideal for very dry or even scaly skin Do not grease Do not hurt Not messy View
Our products Mineral tensor (anti wrinkle) geo/tens-min/ (4,6/5) on 32 rating(s) 24.96€ Anti-wrinkle with triple mineral effectiveness Deep and immediate lifting Smoothes the skin in 5 minutes Tones and regenerates tissues from the inside Enriched with organic silicon that generates Collagen (Monomethylsilanetriol) Disappearance of wrinkles in 90 days. Guaranteed results! View
Our products Purifying serum geo/ser-pur/ (4,1/5) on 8 rating(s) 12.46€ Cleanses acne-prone and oily skin Deep cleansing gel against acne and sebum Specific for intoxicated skin following hormonal imbalances whose repercussions appear on the forehead, chin and under the chin. View
Our products Amplitude Oil N ° 5 geo/ha5/ (4,3/5) on 4 rating(s) 24.13€ Synergy of invigorating essential oils Amplitude n ° 5 specific to the WATER element, winter. Warming, invigorating Hyperthermic Anti-aging, anti-wrinkle Amplifies the effects of Geomer adaptable products View
Our products Amplitude Oil N ° 2 geo/ha2/ (4/5) on 5 rating(s) 24.13€ Synergy of refreshing essential oils Amplitude n ° 2 is specific to the FIRE element, summer. Stabilizes too red, too vascularized skin Decreases skin temperature, hypothermic Regulates perspiration thanks to its powerful cooling effect Limits excess blood under the skin View
Our products Amplitude Oil N ° 3 geo/ha3/ (5/5) on 2 rating(s) 24.13€ Synergy of purifying essential oils Amplitude n ° 3 is specific to the EARTH element, to the change of season, at the end of summer. Purifies and cleanses the skin Eliminates pimples, pruritus, toxins, dandruff, scabs ... Specific for skin and scalps having difficulty eliminating their toxins View
Article en pré-commande 7 jours Our products Cryominceur gel geo/gel-cryo/ (4,6/5) on 16 rating(s) 35.00€ Deep draining cellulite gel. Eeliminates encrusted cellulite in 21 days Active against water retention Accelerates surface blood circulation for deep tissue drainage Eeliminates localized fatty deposits that overload the silhouette View