Energy summer: May 6 to July 20

The strongest energy of the year acting on the skin and hair is called: the energy of the element FIRE.

The energy of summer is the strongest of the year!

Quels sont les produits de soins qui conviennent à ma peau et mes cheveux durant l'été ? Le Laboratoire Géomer a conçu des produits de soins spécifique protéger soin de sa peau de l'énergie de l'été.

The energy of the element FIRE will be active from May 6 to July 20, 2019

Summer starts on May 6?

And yes, the FIRE energy, the energy of summer is active very early

  • The sun rises very early and sets later and later.
  • The days are long.
  • Energy is the key word.
  • Even if the cold is still present, as soon as the sun points the tip of its nose, it very quickly warms the atmosphere and reaches its zenith at the summer solstice on June 21, 2017.
  • From next June 22, the days will slowly begin to decrease and summer will begin to decrease towards winter ...

Explanation of this FIRE energy

  • There are two important energies in the law of 5 elements and in the seasons that are summer and Winter.
  • Summer, by definition, is the hottest season. The energy in the human body is at its maximum. While winter is a cold period, without energy. Nothing moves. Everything hibernates.
  • The law of the 5 elements does not follow the classic calendar which positions the beginning of summer as June 21 as the day when the day is longest.
  • Indeed, it is based on the variations of energies undergone by nature. All that is alive and of course the human being.
  • Logically, the date of June 21 (summer solstice) is in the middle of this FIRE energy, that of summer.

The influence on our body

  • We must understand what is happening in our body.
  • Under this influence, the blood in our body will start to be propelled everywhere in our tissues.
  • This period is a season of intense activity in our organism. All of our fabrics are operating at peak performance. We want to move, to play sports. We get up easily earlier in the morning and go to bed later.
  • In short, this is the time of year when everything in us is in motion.

What about our skin and our hair?

  • To make this energy of summer which is opposed to that of winter fully understood, I always used to explain this:
  • In summer, blood rushes in quantity under the skin. Indeed, our body is ready for the periods of strong influence of the sun. This will heat up and if our skin remains under the sun, it will quickly burn and be damaged because its temperature could quickly exceed 50 ° C or even 60 ° C if we did not have blood under the skin.
  • The blood is at a temperature of 37.6 ° C during the summer, in order to protect our skin from the negative effects of the sun. It circulates more intensely under the skin in order to cool it and maintain it at temperatures as close as possible to 37.6 ° C.
  • The proof is that if you are in a room in the middle of summer that is kept at 20 ° C, you will just have a T-shirt on your skin and will not be cold at all. On the other hand, if you are in the same room at 20 ° C in winter with a simple t-shirt, you will be cold.
  • Why ? Because in the summer you have more blood under your skin than in the winter and that changes everything.

In summer, you have to compensate for this increase in energy

  • In view of these explanations, it is easy to understand that in summer, people who are cautious in general, will be fine.
  • On the other hand, those who already have a lot of energy will very quickly be too hot.

The ideal is to keep a balance

  • Too hot is not good and too cold either.
  • Let's not forget that excess hurts everything.
  • To maintain or recover beautiful, healthy skin or abundant and vigorous hair, they should not be subjected to excess in + and -
  • We need to help them keep a perfect balance so that they can regenerate easily.
  • This is where Geomer products work. They will be very useful to you to help you maintain this balance between Yin and Yang.

Yin et Yang Géomer

Products specially designed to maintain this balance

  • The products of the FIRE element, of summer will protect, heal, preserve your skin and your hair from the negative effects of excess energy. This is essential for having healthy, non-wrinkled, supple skin all year round. The same goes for the scalp and hair.
  • If you do not protect your skin from excess heat, UV and others during the summer, then your skin will dry up and wrinkle faster.
  • If you don't protect your hair from UV rays and your scalp from excessive sweating, then you can be sure that you have dry, coarse hair that will tend to thin out, then fall out...

To put in your toiletry bag for the summer!

Amplitude N ° 2

amplitude 2

  • Synergy of essential oils which cools the skin and the scalp.
  • To apply directly to the skin or to add in adaptable tailor-made products.
  • Very effective for skin that tends to sweat too much and blush easily.

Le TerraL Rouge

Terral Rouge

  • THE mask essential that everyone should have near during the summer.
  • he stops sunburns and burns. To put in profusion in case of sunburn or other and weary pause until the mask is dry. Repeat the application if necessary. The burns will be stopped dead.
  • Decongests excessively red skin, faces prone to rosacea, excessively sweaty scalp etc ...
  • Helps maintain the skin in a natural and healthy balance following excessive exposure to UV rays and heat.

The tailor-made pH correcting shampoo

shampoing correcteur PH du laboratoire Géomer

  • Do you spend at least an hour a day outside in the sun? So the UV will oxidize your hair, opening its scales and making it dry and rough. The fruit acids (AHA) present in this shampoo will naturally close the scales of your hair making them smooth, shiny, beautiful, naturally supple. This shampoo is to be tailor-made so that it meets the needs of your scalp, which is essential for healthy hair.
  • Ask for the tailor-made adaptation by answering the My Custom-Made Shampoo Diagnostic questionnaire. It's free !
  • Do you color your hair? So it is the ideal shampoo to maintain the color so that it does not lighten during the summer.

Regulating gel

gel régulateur du laboratoire géoer

  • Summer means sunbathing, swimming, sweating and having to take showers very often.
  • But be careful not to do more than two shampoos per week, otherwise the scalp will dry out.
  • If you need to wash your hair or refresh your hair with more than water, then use the Regulating Gel. To apply on dry scalp then wash.

The Hair Balm

baume capillaire du laboratoire géomer

  • Themoisturizing and detangling based on wheat protein which will bring softness and shine to hair subjected to UV rays, chlorine from swimming pools, sea water, etc.

The Universal Oligo

Oligo universel du laboratoire Géomer

  • Hair tonic perfect for styling in the morning or after shampooing. Ideal supplement for fine hair which will tend to demineralize during long summer days.


Régénorsil du laboratoire Géomer

  • It is summer when skin and hair need organic silicon in order to be able to regenerate well.

Plural Oil

huile plurielle du laboratoire géomer

  • The ideal hair protection, when bathing in the sea and when immersing in pool chlorine. No tacky but a good rinse with lukewarm water will be necessary at the end of the day after exposure to UV, sea salt and chlorine.
  • Do you color your hair? So put some of this protective oil in your hair color mixture to get a really shiny color that will last longer.

Made-to-measure Phyto Douce Emulsion

Emulsion Phyto Douce du laboratoire Géomer

  • Essential for moisturize your skin properly during the summer without greasing and without sticking.
  • Ask for a tailor-made adaptation following the Aesthetic Diagnosis questionnaire so that it meets your personal needs. Your skin will thank you!

Do you want to have healthy skin and vigorous hair while enjoying the bliss of the sun? This advice is vitally important to them.

Laboratoire Géomer has developed products which are not simple superficial cosmetics but rather real care products which meet the needs of each individual and which adapt to seasonal variations.

Alain Ledroit,
CEO Laboratoire Géomer
Reiki Master Usui

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